🍐🌳 Z malého zatúlaného semienka až po víťazku ankety Strom roka. Naša hruška z Bošáce ešte stále bojuje o titul v európskej súťaži European Tree of the Year, podporte ju svojim hlasom! 🤩🍐🌳
HLASUJTE TU: https://www.treeoftheyear.org/vote/wild-pear-from-bosaca
A stray seed, carried away by the wind from under a nearby pear tree, took root on the sunny Lysica Hill, which rises above Bošáca village. Bošáca is an exceptional place with a rich fruit-growing tradition, where massive pear seedlings are an integral part of the White Carpathian landscape. The pear tree is an important landmark because the vicinity of the tree is a sought-after place for its weather conditions for fans of paragliding – every year there is a competition in flying historical model airplanes.
📸 Martin Babarik
Vote for the wild pear tree here 👉 https://www.treeoftheyear.org/vote/wild-pear-from-bosaca Autor správy a foto Nadácia Ekopolis on Facebook