🦅 How could people help to restore the population of the Philippine Eagle? What methods do Czech experts teach their colleagues in Philippines?
📅 Come and join the lectures and discussions on 17th March!
🤝 You can expect talks of experts from Zoo Liberec, příspěvková organizace and Philippine Eagle Foundation!

On March 17th, we will have a special event for you! 🤗

The Green Student Union (GSN) in partnership with @nazivo_fzp will organize 3 informative and awesome presentations for conservation of birds in the Philippines 🇵🇭:

1. an Hanel: EAZA Raptor TAG and its role in the conservation of birds of prey and owls
2. Dave Balingit Balatero: Safeguarding the Future: The Philippine Eagle Foundation’s Conservation Breeding Initiatives
3. Julia Lynne A. Allong: Restoring the King of the Skies: Reintroduction (conservation translocation) of the Great Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi) to Leyte Island

Come and join us at the faculty! 🌲🤩 autor správy a foto Fakulta životního prostředí – ČZU v Praze on Facebook

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ZVÝŠENÉ lavínové nebezpečenstvo – 3

So mar 15 , 2025
ZVÝŠENÉ lavínové nebezpečenstvo – 3. stupeň Horská záchranná služba upozorňuje na zvýšené lavínové nebezpečenstvo vo Vysokých a Západných Tatrách, ako aj v centrálnej časti Nízkych Tatier. V týchto pohoriach je vyhlásený 3. lavínový stupeň z 5-dielnej stupnice. Situácia na horách je nebezpečná a pohyb v takomto teréne je náročný na […]

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